
Italian Wedding Cookie Recipe

No eggs and very few ingredients

Italian Wedding Cookie Recipe 02

The Italian Wedding Cookie Recipe is one of those traditional Italian Cookie Recipes. It has a few variations from the traditional recipe used in many cultures. To say this cookie is ONLY Italian would be narcissistic.

You may know them as Russian tea cakes or Mexican wedding cookies. Each ethnicity has a small variation. This was the first cookie I was allowed to bake on my own. My mom was (still is) the food-goddess of the kitchen. She guards her domain with a passion.

She would stand over me and give directions ON EVERY STEP. "The butter needs to be creamed this way... hold the knife like this to chop the nuts..." And it still continues even to this day! I do think this (the Italian wedding cookie recipe) gave me confidence in the kitchen at an early age. It was my first cookie triumph. It's really hard to mess up. I just thought it was awesome I could make something that tasted so incredibly good.

If this isn't the type of cookie you were looking for scroll down and click on any photo and that will lead you to other Italian cookie recipes I have on my site.

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Owner and Creator of Italian Dessert Recipes

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Italian Wedding Cookie Recipe

YIELD: Two dozen Crescent Shaped Cookie


* 1 1/2 cups unsalted butter softened

* 3/4 cup powdered sugar

* 1/4 teaspoon salt

* 1 1/2 cups finely ground almonds

* 1 1/2 tablespoon of vanilla extract

* 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour

* 1/3 cup powdered sugar for rolling


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).

2. Cream softened butter in a bowl, gradually add powdered sugar and salt.

3. Beat until light and fluffy.

4. Add almonds and vanilla.

5. Blend in flour gradually and mix well.

6. Shape into crescents using about 1 teaspoon for each cookie. It gets your cookies about the same size if you start with a teaspoon.

7. Place on ungreased cookie sheets, and bake for -20 min.

Do not brown. Cool for a short time, but while warm roll in the powdered sugar. Once the cookie cools, roll in the powdered sugar again.

What nuts can I substitute for the almonds?

If you want to keep this cookie with and Italian edge to it you could use walnuts. Hazelnuts are used often in our cooking - but hazelnuts are distinct. If you substitute hazelnuts, cut back the amount.

Can I substitute almond flavoring for the vanilla?

Yes, but I wouldn't substitute ALL of the vanilla for ALL almond. Use a bit of each and experiment.

Can I substitute margarine or shortening for the butter?

Nope. I mean, yes you can....but do you really want to? There is nothing better than a real cow, that made real cream which gave us butter. Can you say the same about the origins of maragarine?????

Do I have to shape in a crescent?

Nope. The shape won't make or break the recipe. The crescent shape is just and Italian thing. I always think of Stella D'Oro cookies when I shape these and *try* to get my shape to resemble theirs. Some other ethnic variations are

  • The Mexican version uses the same recipe but flatten the cookie
  • The Russian version uses the same recipe but roll in balls.
  • The couple of differences in the Italian Wedding Cookie Recipe versus the others:

  • Almonds are used for the nut
  • The crescent shape
  • Back to the top of the Italian Wedding Cookie Recipe.

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