
Italian Drinks

"Limoncello, Amaretto Sours, Cappuccinos, Sangrias and MORE!"

italian drinks

Italian drinks are more than just Cappuccinos or Amaretto Sours. That's just what were known for. Like most regional "cooks" we don't serve the same drinks all year long. But we are known for the more popular drinks. We have a variety - both alchoholic and non-alcholic.

These alcholic and non-alcholic drink recipes use normal ingredients. Every now and then - there's a few funky ones. But I tried to stay close to our culture and post Italian drink recipes that have been around for EVER and renditions of other popular bar drinks - but with a modification.

Don't let the price of buying a bottle of a liqueur stop you. I've also added several Italian dessert recipes you can use that "bottle" for a key ingredient in baking. So you can get double use - your drink and a dessert! For instance - amaretto, I have drinks recipes that use amaretto AND a collection of Amaretto Recipes that span Italian cookie recipes to Italian cakes .

As for the non-alchohlic recipes - cappuccinos or espressos. There's no magic to them. We tend to think these are complex and intricate drink recipes because we PAY SO MUCH for them at coffee houses.

Truth is - we are just charged a lot at Starbucks, Scooters, and all the other coffee houses - for a dollop of whip cream, a barista and classical music piped in the background. Yes, making them at home you will have to turn on your own tunes - but when you are at home YOU save TONS of money. Because, there's really not that much to them!

The only drinks in here that you want to build in some time for are the sangria recipes. A good sangria needs to sit. So, to prep is no big deal - like that part will only take about . But to get that great flavor that deep-inside-the-fruit-goodness, you gotta let it sit about 4 hours (at least).

Enjoy your beverage and thanks for stopping by -

Owner and Creator of Italian Dessert Recipes

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November 2017

Top Five Most Viewed Italian Drink Recipes Pages

#1 Amaretto Sour Drink Recipe

#2 Peach Sangria

#3 Amaretto Coffee

#4 Amaretto Stone Sour Recipe

#5 Italian Margarita Recipe

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