
Cookie Bar Recipes

cookie bar recipes

T hese 9 cookie bar recipes are a part of my much bigger collection of Italian cookie recipes . My Italian cookie recipes collection kept growing and growing and growing that the list was so long to read that it made it hard to even scroll through them. A lot of times it's more about a mood where I want the cookies to be shaped or cooked a certain way like drop cookie recipes or if I'm feeling like taking time with the grand kids then I want to look for rolled cookie recipes.

So this is a special subset. It's the kind of cookies that need to be spread in a 9x9 pan or a 13x11 pan. These cookies have all been baked by me at least once, usually way more than once. But I'm mentioning that to say - they've been tested, tried, and "liked" enough that I've posted them. Some of these I make several times a year like the Chocolate Mint Brownie Recipe, somebody usually requests that for their birthday. And I've already made the Pecan Pie Bars four times this year. And I've been asked to make them again for this weekend. And crazy enough NEITHER of those are Italian cookie recipes . (Sometimes I think my kids and grand kids want to steer away from Italian stuff!)

Most of these cookie bar recipes came from my grandmother who was second generation Italian American. She was very active in the Galileo Club (club for Italians) and several civic organizations. One of those organizations put out cookbook as a fundraiser. And my grandmother typed (yes, typed) over 200 recipes. Most of the recipes were from her little Italian lady friends. Many of my other Italian Dessert Recipes came from my grandma's fund raising cookbook too. And I've left out all of her personal commentary on the cooking skills of these ladies. I knew which recipes to try, and which ones to avoid. How? Because my grandma would put the cooks name at the bottom of the recipe. Look through my photo gallery below - hover over the photo and the recipe name will pop up. Click on the photo and like magic you will be taken to the recipe. None of these should take longer than to prep bake and clean up. Basically they are not out of the ordinary or complicated.

Thanks for stopping by ~

Owner and Creator of Italian Dessert Recipes

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November 2017

Top Five Most Viewed Italian Cookie Recipes

#1 Anisette Cookies

#2 Italian Wedding Cookie

# 3 Almond Biscotti Recipe

#4 Ricotta Cheese Cookie

#5 Pizzelle Recipe

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