This butterscotch pudding recipe isn't days worth of labor, and a list of weird ingredients. Matter of fact - I pulled out my old-school Betty Crocker cookbook and followed along.
My step-son and I wanted something sweet after dinner and the only thing around was those gross pudding cups. We were desperate for sugar so we opened one. I told him, "You know butterscotch pudding isn't that hard to make." The only problem is - it's NOT ready right away. Easy. But not "eatable" right away because you have to let it cool.
I wish I had a claim to fame on this recipe, or that I did something unique. But I don't. Even though this isn't on the top 10 Italian dessert recipes of the world, we did make a lot of pudding growing up. If you add a bit more cornstarch - you can make any of the tart recipes . I would stick with the small tartlet pans though. If you have never made pudding before, the biggest thing to know is - DON'T WALK AWAY FROM IT while cooking. N.e.v.e.r. EVER! Don't do Facebook. Don't text. Don't even start cleaning up. Why? The sugar in just the milk alone will begin to burn in just a second. Now, you have added sugar. She what I mean? Sugar and heat will scorch.
A butterscotch pudding recipe follows all the pudding protocols since the history of ever. Stay true to the recipe. Stand and stir the WHOLE time you are cooking. And cover with saran when you put it in the fridge. I covered a few questions and answers listed below.
Thanks for stopping by! Even though this isn't traditionally Italian, it's a great standby for creamy buttery heaven.
* 1/3 cup brown sugar
* 2 tablespoons cornstarch (see below)
* 1/8 teaspoon salt
* 2 cups milk
* 2 egg yolks
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
Take out a sauce pan.
Take out a small bowl.
In the small bowl separate the eggs and have the yolks ready in the bowl.
Mix the BROWN sugar, 2-quart saucepan, mix sugar, cornstarch and salt (in the pan).
Slowly add the milk to the pan.
Place the pan on a medium heat - AND HERE'S WHERE YOU GOTTA STAY PUT
Stir constantly until it thickens - and then get's to a boil leave it boiling one minute (keep stirring)
Ladle out half of the hot mixture and add it to the egg yolks
Now take the hot egg yolk-y mixture and put it back into the saucepan
Boil and stir it for one minute.
Remove it from the burner
Drop the butter in the hot mixture. Stir.
Add the vanilla to the hot mixture
Pour the hot pudding into serving cups AND COVER WITH SARAN WRAP (or you will get that scungy film on top).
Put 'er in the fridge.
Because this needs to cool give yourself about for prepping and cooling.
SARAN WRAP TIP: When you cover the serving cups with saran - make sure the saran touches the top of the pudding at every point. You want ZERO air between any pudding and the saran. If you are concerned about sticking you can take the time to spray the under side of the saran with Pam.
I'm gonna say yes. Of course you "can" use white. But to get that butter-y scotch-y flavor you really do need brown sugar. Again, this is a butterscotch pudding recipe - brown sugar is what gets that flavor you are looking for when you think "butterscotch".
Yup. It's not that hard. You want a deep creamy bottom end to this. No fluff. No air. And the yolks give that heavier bottom end to the texture and the flavor.
Nope. Hate it. Always and forever. Here's the thing. You are going for a butterscotch pudding recipe, not a margarine-fake-chemical pudding recipe. The amount of butter in this will NOT clog an artery. You absolutely need the butter.
I get it. We are all trying to live healthier lives. But honestly I HATE the flavor of fat free and low fat anything. BUT I have a husband who has a history of genes we can't ignore. So *sigh* I always have that lower fat milk. Here's what you do. Just use it. BUT you will have to add a bit more cornstarch. Keep it by the side of the pan. Watch your pudding as you stir. Do it by sight and feel. Start with what's suggested, then add g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y.
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