This amaretto stone sour recipe is part of my amaretto drink recipes collection.
And it's not to be confused with the ever popular amaretto sour drink recipe.
The difference? This has orange juice added to it. The basic amaretto sour doesn't. To really make it worth the effort - get fresh oranges. It just makes this drink that much better tasting. And really, produce sections ALWAYS have oranges - so ya got no excuses, right?
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Sugar is way under rated - have some everyday!
Thanks for stopping by!
* 1 part amaretto
* 1 part orange juice
* 1 part sweet and sour mix (see below)
* Mix and drink!
* tops prep time. Really. Can't take much longer than that UNLESS you are talking, texting, or posting while trying to get it together.
A sweet almond tasting liqueur. It's Italian! But it's available at almost all liquor stores
About equal amounts of lemon and sugar and water mixed together. Don't' get all scientific about it - just dissolve the sugar with warm water first then add lemon last. That's it! Really!
It's gross. Enough said. Your store has lemons. You have sugar. Grab a lemon when you are grabbing the oranges to make this!
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